Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Wish List

Want Folder

So as you may have read in one of my last posts I have slight OCD when it comes to buying makeup. Nothing can be purchased unless it has first graced the insides of my Want folder. Currently top of my lust list are these little beauties.
1. Origins Let It Glow £25 from Selfridges
2. Clarins Lotus Oil £29 from Selfridges
3. Bobbi Brown Corrector £28 from Selfridges
4. Caudalie Beauty Elixir £11 from HQ hair
5. Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector £33 from Cult Beauty
6. Origins Mask Marvels £29 from Selfridges

Have you used any of these before? Any recommendations? What are you lusting over at the moment?

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