Origins Out of Trouble Mask
I’m not sure how many of you know this but I currently work
part time at Space NK. This is very dangerous for my bank balance, working
there is quite literally like being a kid in a sweet shop. Give a kid a very
generous discount and they are going to use it. Whilst my teeth may not be
rotting the same cannot be said for my Natwest statement and my bathroom
cabinet is well past morbidly obese.
Before starting at Space it was my favourite destination for
beauty. A real treasure trove. It is rare for me to buy anything beauty related
from anywhere else (the discount helps sway this but the quality of the
products speak for themselves, and the 40 something looking faces of our 60
something customers). So you know when I make a non-NK purchase it is a good
Topping my list is Origins
Out of Trouble face mask.
I have a bit of a weakness for face masks. And this little
number is the best of the bunch.
Jam packed with Zinc Oxide, Sulfur and Camphor (you can definitely
smell the camphor) this mask is a god send for troublesome skin. According to
Origins you should use it to ‘steer skin clear of slippery situations, refine
rough texture and pull the plug on troublemakers to oust potential outbursts.’ And Origins I have to say I agree.
The mask is a very thick white creamy paste, which dries on
the skin. This one might just be me, but
I tend to face mask (yep I just made it a verb) in the bath. However, the hot
steamy (Aromatherapy Associated filled- if you must know) water combined
with most masks tends to irritate my face- not this one though. It tingles
slightly when applied but nothing uncomfortable.
The mask doesn’t tighten on the skin like a clay mask- which
may be why it doesn’t itch me in the bath. After 10 minutes I wash it off using
a muslin cloth and whatever pickle my skin has been in seems to be fixed. Any
redness is diminished, any angry spots seem placated, my skin feels baby soft,
super clean and super glow-y. I don’t have particularly dull skin so I never
really notice the effects of any glow-givers, except this one. I can really see
the difference. Used regularly it helps control excess oil and is generally a perfect prescription for pretty skin.
For £22, sorry Space NK but this is a non-negotiable.
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