Loving London Life
So I have lived in Orpington the whole of my life. And as it falls in zone 6, under the category of London Borough, and qualified me with a free oyster card as a teenager I have always proudly claimed to live in London.
However, I have recently moved into Putney with my boyfriend. Real life central London. And now I'm here I'm loving finding new and exciting things to do in, what is my opinion, the best city in the world!
This week my boyfriend and I headed over to the Barbican to check out the Rain Room.
When I told my dad about what we did he sarcastically asked me why I would que to go stand in the rain when I could go outside any time of day and stand in it for free.
The rain room is the brain child of Random International. In a nut shell the installation makes its own rain. You are effectively standing indoors in a room full of rain. However, onto the cool part, where you walk the rain stops. Some kind of sensors, or science hobojobo I don't quite understand, sense where you are walking and the rain stops. It's like walking in a protective bubble. Seriously cool. Ironically it did rain the whole journey there and back. Sods law.
The exhibition is free, available until March at the Barbican Centre, and the queue time is around 2 hours.
Today I went with two friends to the Prince Charles Cinema in Leciester Sq to watch a breakfast club showing of Stand By Me (a really cute film about four boys friendship in 1950s America, proving that your mum jokes have been around for decades). For £6.50 we got free tea and coffee, DOUGHNUTS! and cheap bacon and egg sandwiches, they were £1.50 each. The cinema was really nice, really big, with comfy, plush seating.
The cinema does all kinds of eccentric showings, such as a Mean Girl quote along, Lion King Sing Along, South Park swear along, Ice cream, wine and good times, along with much more!
Have you uncovered any of London's secrets? Let me know!
Mean girls quote along sounds like the best thing I've ever heard of!