Ojon Trade in Day
Ojon is operating a Trade in Day on the 8th November. Simply take in an empty bottle of shampoo OR conditioner (doesn't matter which brand) into your nearest participating John Lewis, House of Fraser or Boots and they will exchange it for the Damage Reverse Duo worth £41.50 for free!
So don't go throwing away your empties just yet! And if you aren't near finishing your shampoo or conditioner why not pop into pound land pick up the cheapest one, throw the contents down the sink, and take that bottle in instead!
Definitely a day for the diary
Note: Until the 31st October select Boots are giving away 10 days worth of Ojon Rare Blend Oil samples as well as analyzing your hair in store!
Note: Until the 31st October select Boots are giving away 10 days worth of Ojon Rare Blend Oil samples as well as analyzing your hair in store!
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